Nov 8, 2020 | Blog, Real Estate
Offered together, Lot 5+7 showcases the best of Broomfield Farms at Mount Ida Reserve. Lot features: 29.74 acres Pond Blue Ridge Mountain views Mature magnolia, hardwood, and evergreen trees Rolling pasture with flat home site Improvements:Fully...
Jun 4, 2019 | Real Estate
Along the winding country roads of Mount Ida Reserve lies Broomfield Farms, a quaint community of farm and wooded parcels available for sale. Our 87-acre neighborhood is comprised of seven farm estates ranging from 6 to 30 acres. Each parcel has frontage along...
Jun 11, 2018 | Blog, Real Estate
Featured Home Series Among the pastures, streams, pines and Dogwoods along Blenheim Road you will find a variety of architectural styles within the community that are quintessentially Southern- century old remodeled farm homes, soaring brick Georgians, quaint garden...
May 20, 2018 | Blog, Real Estate
“The Log Cabin”- 5620 Blenheim Road, Charlottesville, Virginia Featured Home Series Among the pastures, streams, pines and Dogwoods along Blenheim Road you will find a variety of architectural styles within the community that are quintessentially Southern- century old...